Auckland intermediate spanish classes and lessons

Learn Spanish in Auckland and Wellington with our fun 8 week immersion Intermediate B1 Spanish classe staught by expert Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain and start speaking Español today! The Spanish Institute is an official Spanish school and is the only accredited Siele Spanish Examination Centre in New Zealand.

In the Intermediate B1 Spanish language courses you will learn to communicate about work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in Latin American and Spain. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams,hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Our Spanish Language Course Program follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and ranges from Spanish Level A1 to C2.

  • The Spanish B1 Intermdiate level is broken down into Intermediate 1 (B1.1), Intermediate 2 (B1.2), Intermediate 3 (B1.3) & Intermediaete 4 (B1.4) courses.
  • Spanish B1 = Ncea Level 3 and University courses (Auckland Uni's SPANISH 200, Victoria Uni's SPAN 201-2 & Waikato's SPANISH 231)
  • University Applications = Upon completion of the B1 Intermediate Spanish courses, you can do the Siele Gloal Exam and apply for study in Universities in Spain and Latin America.

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Intermediate Spanish Courses Outline (b1)

Spanish Course objectives for Intermediate B1 are :

  • Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
  • Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
  • Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Listening Skills:

  • You can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
  • You can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

Reading Skills:

  • You can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job- related language.
  • You can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters.

Speaking Skills:

  • You can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
  • You can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events).
  • You can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions.
  • You can briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
  • You can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or film and describe my reactions.

Writing Skills:

  • You can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.

Optional Course Textbook:

  • Aula Internacional 3 (Nueva edición /new edition) ISBN:978-84-15640-11-0. Readily available at Trademe, online bookstores and downloadable pdfs


  • Each evening course is made of 8 x 1 1/2 hour weekly classes running for over 2 months at the same time and day of the week as its listed course start date. There are no classes on Public holidays. Dates are subject to change.

Optional Prerequisite courses:

  • You have to completed the Spanish Improvers A2, Ncea Level 2 and University courses (Auckland Uni's SPANISH 105, Victoria Uni's SPAN 102 & Waikato's SPANISH 132)

Benefits of taking your Spanish courses with the Spanish Institute:

  • You will learn Spanish with qualified and experienced professional Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain
  • Progress in a friendly Spanish immersion environment
  • Benefit from a small class sizes which maximises your student and teacher interactions
  • Follow a structured curriculum following the Common European Framework of Reference A1-C2 (CEFR -
  • Work toward internationally recognised Siele exams
  • Use the recommended Aula + Internacional Series of textbooks used in Universities and schools worldwide such as the Victoria University, University of Canterbury, University of Sydney ,Monash University, University of York, University of Coventry, University of Liverpool, University College London, University of Calgary , Instituto Cervantes and many more...
  • Back up your learning with resources from our media-library

Spanish School and class locations near you:

  • Auckland Central - Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Road, Grafton
  • Mt Eden - Athol Syms Hall, 11 Griffin Ave, Mt Eden
  • Meadowbank - Tahapa Crescent Hall, 22 Tahapa Crescent, Meadowbank
  • Northcote - Northcote Memorial Hall, 2 Rodney St, North shore, Auckland
  • Takapuna - Mary Thomas Centre, Crosslands lounge, 3 Gibbons Rd, Takapuna
  • West Auckland - Point Chevalier Community Centre, 18 Huia Road, Point Chevalier, Auckland
  • Hamilton - TBC
  • Wellington - Thistle Hall, 293 Cuba St, Aro, Wellington
  • Wellington - Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington
  • Also Online School - Online Spanish classes via Google Meet, New Zealand wide....


  • $170, includes 8 weeks of Spanish classes, free Spanish course materials, a native Spanish teacher from Latin America or Spain and small class sizes. There are no hidden membership fees or contracts.

Spanish courses for Intermediate B1.1, B1.2, B1.3 & B1.4

Intermediate 1 (B1.1): Aula Internacional 3 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 1, 2 & 3

Communication objectives:

  • Hablar de hábitos en el presente
  • Relatar experiencias pasadas
  • Hablar del inicio y durante de una acción
  • Localizar una acción en el tiempo


  • El pretérito perfecto y el pretérito indefinido.
  • Algunas perífrasis de empezar a con infinitivo.
  • Desde/desde hace.
  • Si con presente de indicativo y futuro
  • Depende de, depende de si.
  • La forma y algunos usos del futuro imperfecto.
  • Seguramente/ seguro que /supongo que con futuro.
  • Lo normal/ lo habitual con infinitivo
  • Soler con infinitivo.
  • Cuantificadores: todo el mundo, la mayoría de…
  • Es obligatorio, se prohíbe, se permite.


  • · El trabajo, Hechos de la vida de una persona, Problemas del mundo, Predicciones sobre el futuro personal, Costumbres sociales & Vocabulario del trabajo y la escuela.

Intermediate 2 (B1.2): Aula Internacional 3 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 4, 5 y 6

Communication objectives:

  • Relatar en presente.
  • Resumir el argumento de un libro o una película.
  • Contar anécdotas.
  • Contar chistes.
  • Recomendar y aconsejar.
  • Dar instrucciones.
  • Describir un anuncio.
  • Expresar deseos, reclamaciones y necesidad.
  • Proponer soluciones.
  • Escribir una carta abierta denunciando un problema.


  • Alguno conectores para relatar: (y) entonces, en aquel momento, a final, de repente, de pronto, etc.
  • Porque, como, aunque, sin embargo.
  • La forma y los usos de los pronombres de OD y OI.
  • La forma y algunos usos del imperativo afirmativo y negativo.
  • La colocación de los pronombres reflexivos y de OD /OI.
  • El presente de subjuntivo.
  • Querer / pedir / exigir / necesitar que + subjuntivo.
  • Proponer soluciones: debemos / tenemos que / se debe / deberían / se debería / habría que.
  • Cuando + subjuntivo; antes de que + subjuntivo.


  • Géneros narrativos (cine, televisión, novelas…), Léxico del cine y la televisión, Publicidad: valores, soportes, elementos de un anuncio, Tareas del hogar, Política y sociedad, La educación and where to.

Intermediate 3 (B1.3): Aula Internacional 3 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 7, 8 y 9

Communication objectives:

  • Desenvolvernos por teléfono.
  • Tomar y dejar recados por teléfono.
  • Transmitir mensajes, órdenes, peticiones y consejos.
  • Recursos para contar anécdotas, mostrar interés al escuchar un relato.
  • Hablar de causas y consecuencias.
  • Expresar intereses y sentimientos.
  • Hablar de las relaciones entre personas.
  • Mostrar desacuerdo en diversos registros.
  • Suavizar una expresión de desacuerdo.
  • Contraargumentar.


  • Estilo indirecto: me ha dicho que… / me ha pedido que… / me ha preguntado que… / me ha preguntado cuándo / dónde / por qué…
  • Algunos conectores para hablar de causas y consecuencias: como, porque, así que, de modo que, etc.
  • El pretérito pluscuamperfecto de indicativo.
  • Combinar los tiempos del pasado en un relato (pretérito perfecto, pretérito indefinido, pretérito imperfecto, pretérito pluscuamperfecto.).
  • Me fascina / me encanta /odio / no aguanto… que + subjuntivo.
  • Me fascina/n / me encanta/n / odio / no aguanto… + sustantivo / infinitivo.


  • · Verbos que resumen la intención de un mensaje (preguntar, recomendar, etc.), Tipos de mensajes (carta mensaje de móvil, correo electrónico, etc., Viajes, Tipos de turismo, Verbos para expresar intereses, sentimientos y sensaciones, Manías, Recursos para mostrar desacuerdo & Adjetivos para describir el carácter de las personas.

Intermediate 4 (B1.4): Aula Internacional 3 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 10, 11 y 12

Communication objectives:

  • Describir las características y el funcionamiento de algo.
  • Opinar sobre objetos.
  • Valorar situaciones y hechos.
  • Opinar sobre acciones y conductas.
  • Hacer hipótesis y conjeturas.
  • Relatar sucesos misteriosos.
  • Expresar grados de seguridad.


  • Los superlativos en -ísimo/-a/-os/-as.
  • Algunos modificadores del adjetivo: excesivamente, demasiado.
  • Las frases exclamativas: ¡qué…! ¡qué…tan/más…!
  • Las frases relativas con preposición.
  • Uso del indicativo y del subjuntivo en frases relativas.
  • Me parece bien/mal/injusto/ilógico…que + presente de subjuntivo.
  • Está bien/ mal que… + presente de subjuntivo.
  • Es injusto / ilógico / fantástico… que + presente de subjuntivo.
  • El condicional.
  • Lo de + infinitivo / sustantivo.
  • Algunos usos del futuro simple y del condicional.
  • Construcciones en indicativo y en subjuntivo para expresar diferentes grados de seguridad.


  • · Vocabulario para describir objetos (formas, materiales…), Vocabulario para valorar el diseño de objetos, Medioambiente · Solidaridad, Creer algo / creerse algo / creer en algo, Sucesos misteriosos y fenómenos paranormales · Psicología & Ciencia.

Next Course:

  • Price $170.00
  • Spanish
  • 8 lessons
  • Course Certificate
  • Small class size
  • Aula Internacional

Intermediate SPANISH 1 COURSES (B1.1) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Mon 22 October 8.00-9.30pm

Mt Eden, Athol Syms Hall, 11 Griffin Ave, Auckland

Mon 14 October 8.00-9.30pm


Thu 15 August 6.30-8.00pm

Pt Chevalier Community centre , 18 Huia Rd, West Auckland

Mon 21 October 8.00-9.30pm

Wellington, Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington

Wed 16 October 8.00-9.00pm


Intermediate SPANISH 2 COURSES (B1.2) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Tue 6 August 8.00-9.30pm

Mt Eden, Athol Syms Hall, 11 Griffin Ave, Auckland

Mon 22 July 8.00-9.30pm


Thu 12 September 6.30-8.00pm

Wellington, Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington

Wed 17 April 8.00-9.30pm


Intermediate SPANISH 3 COURSES (B1.3) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Tue 4 June 8.00-9.30pm

Mt Eden, Athol Syms Hall, 11 Griffin Ave, Auckland

Mon 12 August 8.00-9.30pm


Thu 7 November 6.30-8.00pm

Wellington, Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington

Wed 12 June 8.00-9.30pm


Intermediate SPANISH 4 COURSES (B1.4) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Tue 25 July 7.30-9.00pm

Mt Eden, Athol Syms Hall, 11 Griffin Ave, Auckland

Thu 28 September 6.30-8.00pm

Wellington, Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington

Wed 7 August 8.00-9.30pm


Class Timetable




2013-2015 University of Zaragoza, Professional Higher Education in Child Development
2013-2015 Océano Atlántico Education Center Spain, English, Spanish Literature, and Sports Teacher
2017-2018 Spanish for Business Language School Brazil, Corporate Spanish teacher


About Us

Spanish Institute is an official immersion Spanish Language School situated in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Wellington. Learn Spanish in our small interactive immersion classes with expert and passionate native speaker Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain using the latest teaching methodologies. We offer a wide range of Spanish lessons for beginner (A1) to master (C2) levels following the official Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and we will prepare you for the official Spanish language exams (SIELE) and travel to Latin America & Spain. The Spanish Institute is the only official SIELE Spanish language exam centre in New Zealand.
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Spanish Institute
Office: 22 Liverpool St Auckland 1010 (by appointment)

Phone: 021-461-551

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